Saturday, October 23, 2010

Hopes and Dreams

Isn't it interesting how our hopes and dreams
Can sometimes change into more meaningful things
To being more kind and making a difference
Not fame & fortune but having a presense

Life seems sweeter and almost like heaven
When moments are taken in, and our love is givin
We grow and we learn, it's not about us
We're part of a community, we learn to trust

We find more meaning and purpose in life
When letting go pride and not clinging to strife
Allowing the beauty of our surrounding
To breathe new life into our sometimes floundering

Isn't it interesting how sometimes life
Stretches, teaches, and helps us to thrive
If we let it, and give our best
Life can help us grow, with joy we'll be blest

Our hopes and dreams become a reality
When stepping back, seeing our prosperity
Whether big or small, we make our mark
We learn, grow and help others embark

So take in the morment, with the good and bad
Learn from it - grow, appreciate what you've had
For yours is unique, your time here on earth
With your hopes and dreams, continue to give birth

Rae Ann Hall